Thursday, November 13, 2014

Greatest Gift Journey at First United Methodist Church of Mishawaka

Sign up for tickets to the Greatest Gift Journey at First United Methodist Church of Mishawaka

Greatest Gift Journey
 Saturday, December 6, 2014
 Journey Entry Times:  9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, Noon, 1:00pm, 1:30pm
 (Journey takes 30-45 minutes)

· Visit and pictures with CAMELS and/or Santa
· Journey to Bethlehem with:  Shepherds and the animals of the Christmas story
· Experience the Story of Christmas
· Live Nativity with a special GIFT from Bethlehem for all children!

Support our local food pantry... Bring a non-perishable/canned food donation to the Greatest Gift Journey and give a "gift" by helping to supply our local food pantries!

Where does the Greatest Gift Journey take place?
At First United Methodist Church of Mishawaka
Located at 201 E. Third Street (Downtown Mishawaka)

What should we wear?
Dress in layers - the Journey takes place both inside and outside.  You'll want to bring a warm coat so you can enjoy being outdoors while seeing the live nativity!  The Journey is also a GREAT place for Christmas pictures - so keep that in mind when dressing for Greatest Gift Journey.

How long will the Journey last?
Each Journey takes roughly 30-45 minutes

Is there anything else exciting to do while we are at the Journey?
YES! At the end of the Journey your children will be invited to decorate Christmas cookies.  And we also have "The Sweet Shop"... a yearly (and very delicious) tradition here at First Church.  Load up on amazing holiday sweets and baked goods... Bring a little extra cash if you plan on shopping at "The Sweet Shop"

Welcome to Mom in the Bend. I will be sharing all of the best deals and family activities available in the South Bend area.